

%pip install jupyblog --quiet
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.


Let’s download the example files:

  1. jupyblog.yaml: configuration file

  2. post content

  3. ploomber-logo.png: sample image

from pathlib import Path
import urllib.request

# create folder to store posts
path = Path("posts")

# folder to store a specific post
path_to_post = path / "my-static-post"

# config file
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", path / "jupyblog.yaml")

# download post
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", path_to_post / "")
# download image used in post
_ = urllib.request.urlretrieve("", path_to_post / "ploomber-logo.png")

We stored everything in a posts/ directory, this is the structure that jupyblog expectds: a directory with a jupyblog.yaml configuration file and one directory per post:

%ls posts/
jupyblog.yaml  my-static-post/

The configuration file sets a few settings:

  • path_to_posts: Where to store the rendered posts (path is relative to the posts/ directory

  • path_to_static: Where to store any images referenced in the post (path is relative to the posts/ directory

  • prefix_img: A prefix that will be applied to all image paths (e.g., ![img](path.png) becomes ![img](/images/blog/path.png))

These settings will depend on our blog structure configuration, these values are examples.

path_to_posts: content/posts
path_to_static: static/images
prefix_img: /images/blog

Posts are organized in folders. Inside each folder we have a post file ( in this case) and any associated images. This means that you can reference your images with relative paths (e.g., ![img](ploomber-logo.png)) so you can preview them with any Markdown editor.

%ls posts/my-static-post/

Let’s look at the contents of our post:

title: My post
    execute_code: false
description: Some post description

## My section

This sentence is some description:

import load

df = load()

Let's show a second snippet:

import clean

df_clean = clean(df)

## Another section

Next, an image:


Note that the Markdown file contains a configuration section at the top:

title: My post
    execute_code: false
description: Some post description

Title is the title of the post, the jupyblog section can be copied as-is, and description is the blog post description (a one-sentence summary).

Let’s now render the post:

cd posts/my-static-post
jupyblog render
Input: /home/docs/checkouts/
Processing post "my-static-post"
Post will be saved to /home/docs/checkouts/
Rendering markdown...
Making img links absolute and adding canonical name as prefix...
Output: /home/docs/checkouts/
Copying /home/docs/checkouts/ to /home/docs/checkouts/

In our configuration file (jupyblog.yaml), we said we wanted to store our rendered posts in the content/posts/ directory, let’s look at it:

%ls posts/content/posts/

Let’s look at our rendered post. You’ll see that the content is the same, except the prefix_img (/images/blog was added):

description: Some post description
- /images/blog/my-static-post/ploomber-logo.png
  execute_code: false
title: My post

## My section

This sentence is some description:

import load

df = load()

Let's show a second snippet:

import clean

df_clean = clean(df)

## Another section

Next, an image:

# remove example directory
import shutil